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International Sweetheart


The Tradition goes beyond the Zeta Xi Chapter...


Since 1929, the International Sweetheart is a long standing tradition of Sigma Chi Fraternity electing a International Sweetheart every 2 years. Each young woman has represented the ideals of the White Cross and lived Sigma Chi's core values of Friendship, Justice and Learning while making her own personal contributions to the Fraternity and a is a liaison for the fraternity across the continent.


An Excerpt From the International Website:


"A junior at Central Michigan University, Lewallen is studying elementary education with a focus on social studies and history for grades K-8. She is a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity and the Sarah R. Opperman Leadership Institute, where she has served as a leadership guide and member of the institute’s mentoring staff.

In this special interview with, Lewallen outlines her experience with Sigma Chi, her goals for the International Sweetheart position and much more."

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